Hello everybody! This is My Corner of Music and Art Albums By admin / Date Th7 12.2024 / Category Blog, Human development, LYRICS D.T.N.Huy (16/Nov/80 -present) Bio: https://www.tintucvanhoa.com/2024/05/nhac-si-inh-tran-ngoc-huy-nha-nghien.html Click: https://network-vn.com/2024/05/27/dinhtranngochuy/ Or: https://www.giaitrivanhoa.vn/2024/05/inh-tran-ngoc-huy-nhac-si-nha-nghien_31.html
HI ! These are albums of my songs with more than 120-150 songs. You could also find many youtube clips of these songs in this area to practice singing, Karaoke, writing songs or play with guitar-piano-keyboard-mandolin-violin-drum, etc. or combination of them…. Let’s Relax with music! By admin / Date Th6 26.2024 / Category Blog, Human development, LYRICS Click: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwLgx4H6ruZivMfiUapknQ Or: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6FtTpQ3_qlACR2FI2pMLGA
Wow Welcome to my 29th song album By admin / Date Th1 08.2024 / Category Blog, Children toy, Human development, LYRICS c x
Hey welcome to my 28th album of songs By admin / Date Th12 29.2023 / Category Blog, Human development, LYRICS c (BELOW IS ACCOMPANIMENT FOR THE SONG “GREEN SALLOW BEAUTY”) x
Oh welcome to my 27th album of songs and this is a present By admin / Date Th12 28.2023 / Category Blog, Children toy, Human development, LYRICS c c
Well this is to introduce my 26th album of songs as a gift By admin / Date Th12 25.2023 / Category Human development, LYRICS c c
Oh this is the 25th album of songs. Let’s play with your favorite musical instrument By admin / Date Th12 21.2023 / Category Human development, LYRICS c