16. Continuing to develop philosophical theories on human being, we can approach human development at least from 2 directions: first, human development from economic-technical views, and second, human development from socio-economic views.
The first approach will analyze technical aspects and effects on personal development and characteristics, for instance: how computer and IoTs (Internet of things) affect human emotions, their thinkings, reaction, their job and life, as well as what manufacturing and technology help to make greener environment and fresh air for people longlive, and building or architecture technology has impacted our views or feelings abt beauty, etc. To some extent, technology and science has provided us with means and facilities to make people closer and fulfill our economic and human roles. Then, the 2nd approach will analyze the supporting of each other in cycled economic activities, or the tasks delegated for each person in company, community and society. We need to understand both negative and positive aspects in both approaches of human being development. People tend to become better in certain environment and there are driven forces for that, however under lots of pressure and lots of money, there is certain paid off/trade-off and we will loose something, in terms of health, of friends, of relatives, of relationship, of longlives, of happiness, etc.